About us

Erfahren Sie mehr über Wisdom Wings
Unter dem Motto „Bildung für jedes Kind“ ist es unser Ziel, mittellosen Kindern in Kenia eine Chance auf einen Schulabschluss zu geben und sie zu einer Ausbildung oder einem Studium zu befähigen.

Unser Team
“Jede/r Einzelne muss die Möglichkeit haben, das in ihm/ihr steckende Potential zu entwickeln.”
How can you be sure that the use of donations is traceable?
The traceability of donations is ensured by our transparent handling of financial resources and regular reporting on the use of funds and the progress of aid projects. We attach great importance to being accountable to our donors and strengthening their trust in our work. It is also particularly important to us that as much of the donation as possible reaches the local children.
How can we assure you that the donations arrive exactly where they are most urgently needed?
We are in regular contact with the children and their parents, so we can provide profiles, reports and pictures of the children at any time.
What contribution does the education and information of children make to reducing HIV infections and combating the circumcision and forced marriage of young girls?
The education and awareness of children play a key role in reducing HIV infection rates and in combating the circumcision and forced marriage of young girls. Educational opportunities inform children about health risks and raise their awareness, which can help to reduce these practices in the long term.
How does the sale of our products contribute to supporting aid projects?
The income generated is mainly used for the children’s education or other upcoming projects.
How are the children's school visits in Kenya financed?
The children’s school visits in Kenya are financed by donations and sponsorships. This financial support enables the children to receive an education to which they might otherwise not have access.
Can donation receipts be issued?
As Wisdom Wings gUG (non-profit entrepreneurial company) we are authorized to issue donation receipts.